The picture
The picture
I stare at myself in the mirror for a moment. I have to do this, I have to, I can’t keep pretending anymore. I’ve been holding my phone like this for almost ten minutes, thinking about all the repercussions that this photo will cause. It’s important though, I’m quitting manhood cold turkey, I don’t want to end up one of those pathetic women who keeps insisting that she’s a man even though its clear to everyone else that they’ve been a woman for months. The feminine flu hit me hard, there’s no trace of my old body left. I fought at first. I joined groups; ‘staying men together’, 'inside men’, I read all the books. I swore that no matter how big my tits got or how round my ass became that I would continue to be myself; a man. Looking back it must have looked so silly, I never did find a sweater that held these things.
So last night I made a decision. I’ll give in. However if I’m going to be a woman I’m going to go all the way. I threw out all my old clothes and bought a few new things. I sent in to have my name legally changed to Lily and changed all my social media to reflect that. It won’t be easy, just getting this outfit ready took me almost all day, but I’m looking forward to it. I finally work up the courage and place my thumb, adorned with a pink false nail over the 'post’ button and click.
There, that’s it. I’m Lily now. I grab my small pink purse and put my phone into it. I walk out the door.
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