Nick to Nicola

Nick had heard rumours of Men Turning into women on the full moon, at first he dismissed it as fantasy, but over time the idea grew in his head. It wasn’t long before he was actively going out once a month just to find one. It took him a while taking many women home, and hoping for the best. He made sure that his partners bit him, to pass on any potential curse. Of course he would only find out a month later if it had worked. Which is precisely what happened in June, a whole year after he started. He was amazed at his hot new body, and like every month, he went out. This time to find a man.
This is him at the end of that night, he found a man he deemed suitable ,and went back to his place. He thought of spreading the curse, but decided against it.

A good thing too, because the baby that would be born in 9 Months needed a father, and for any Werewoman who got pregnant, there was no going back.


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