Can’t find it


"C'mon c'mon! There has to be a reversal spell somewhere in here! Zoe's coming home tomorrow. Gah! Why does this thing have to be in Latin!?"

Kevin was quickly flipping through the pages of the magic book he found in his older sister's room. Zoe was away for the summer on a student exchange program, which led Kevin to snoop around her room. He came across a black book under her bed and tried to read it. Unknowingly, he read a transformation spell turning him into an exact copy of his sister. At first he was scared, but he soon started to enjoy it, especially the large breasts sitting on his chest. He decided to pretend to be his sister until she got back. He hung out his her friends, went to parties and clubs, and even got drunk enough to sleep with her boyfriend. Tomorrow Kevin's going to have to explain why her sister now has a twin, and his sister will have to explain that sex makes the transformation permanent.

Tumblr post from the past.


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